It's time to leave brisbane TMR...

In fact, I didn't earn much money here,merely earn for rent and food(self cooking).

In other word,I didn't earn money here LOL,what a pity:(

These time about 5 months,I tried to cook and go to work by myself,it's not easy but not so hard.

I do the housekeeping for almost 2 months,

All works are casual...maybe 15-20 hours a week,but even the hours is short,I still feel so tired >"<.

After one day work,I always feel very tired,just wanna finish shower and micro dinner quickly,then going to my room watch videos for a rest...

Though working holiday here just 5 months,I feel it's has been a long time LOL.

Wish next time I come to Australia,I could be more independence and worldly-wise,that's important!

I don't wanna rush everyday just for earning living.But,do I have another choices?

Unless you have some abilities better than others,or you are not different from others,that's true.

In the end,I have to pick up normal life and keep running!:D:D

Don't watse ur time,cause time is money.You can earn money in ur life,but life gone,it never go back...



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